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Lawn Problems

Q.Re-Turfing Lawn Over Dog Poo

Anonymous added on February 27, 2011 | Answered

Over the Christmas period we have let our puppy do its business in the garden. We have been out a few times to clean up but there is so much and it doesn’t come off of the grass as a whole. She has also dug holes in the uneven lawn.

We were thinking of re-turfing it this spring and putting up a fence so she can’t do this again. My original plan was to remove the ‘grass’ that is there and then re-turf, but I have been reading that dog poo is good for the soil, so would it be a good idea to rake it into the soil (as it’s uneven) and then lay the turf on top?

I’m not very green fingered but have children who spend a lot of time in the garden in the summer and I would like a decent lawn for them to play on.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 28, 2011

The problem with sodding on top of current turn is that the old turf will keep the new turf from establishing well. You may want to consider re-seeding over the current turf, but if you want to lay new sod, the old sod will need to be tilled or come out all together.

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