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Bat Flower

Q.Repotting White Bat Plants

Zone Mackay, Queensland | Iancw added on September 7, 2015 | Answered

I have a wonderful white bat plant that has flowered every year for the last 5 years without any added fertiliser or repotting. However, there are two plants in the same 52 cm pot and I would like to separate the two plants and repot both into similar size pots. (see attached picture). The plants are on my patio, well shaded from direct sunlight, plenty of ventilation and out of strong breezes. Some leaves, on occasions, have curled and crinkled but seem to survive in the longer term. How would one carry out this operation with fear of damaging one or both plants?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 8, 2015

After a bit of research I discovered that it is NOT recommended to split the plant.
This would likely kill both plants and with the cost of this plant (new plants can be difficult to find and are quite expensive).
If the plant needs repotting, do this after blooming and as carefully as possible, but move the plants together.

Here is a link with care information.

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