Q.Re-potted My Duranta Before Over-wintering Inside And Now It Isn\’t Blooming
This is the third year for my Duranta. I live in Illinois and we bring it in and have it in a heated garage with grow lights through the winter and last year when we took it back out it started blooming right away. It was too big for the pot so we repotted it last fall when we took it in for the winter. This year we kept it inside longer because it was cold and it started to leaf out inside. Now it’s outside and the leaves look great, but there are no buds or blooms. What can I do to encourage it to bloom again?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is likely that the repotting disturbed the roots. This may take a year or so to see a full recovery and blooms return.
Here is an article that will help you to care for the plant: