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Container Yucca Plants


Anonymous added on March 15, 2011 | Answered

I have just inherited three very large yucca plants with a property. Could I plant them outside? We are in the Channel Islands, and until the last year have not had snow or frost in the area. We are by the sea.  Should I do as you said and cut down to before half and repot? They are approximately 12 feet tall.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 16, 2011

It really depends of the variety of yucca and your local temps as to whether you can plant them outside. Most houseplant yuccas cannot handle temps under 40F, so if your temps get below 40F, I would not recommend planting them outside.

Pruning them would be a good idea if you plant on keeping them indoors.

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Container Yucca Plants
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