Q.Re-planted established camellias – leavings starting to curl
Hi there! I re-planted some established Sasanquas into a shady spot in our garden which lost most of their leaves over the winter and became wirey (I live in Sydney, Australia so its not a particularly cold winter). 2 weeks ago,I replaced the wiry Sasanquas with some larger/more established camellias (2x Japonica and 1x Sasanqua, red arrows in photos)which have been replanted in the same spot. Today I noticed that the leaves have just started to curl. They are planted next to 3x established Japonicas which get a little bit more sun and are doing well.
This time, I planted them in with a mixture of compost, cow manure mixture & peat moss to help the soil with nutrients & drainage. I also read that the Japonicas should do better in the shade. Is there anything else I can do to help these plants re-establish themselves in their new spot?
Thanks in advance for any tips/advice!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, make sure to only water when they NEED it.d This means letting the soil dry thoroughly down to about 2 or 3 inches before watering again. This article will give you more information on their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/camellia/caring-for-camellias.htm