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Ginkgo Tree

Q.Re: Gingko Fertilizing……

Zone V6R 3C4 (Vancouver BC) | Anonymous added on April 22, 2021 | Answered

I have a miniature variety in a tub on my deck, “Meriken” (I always remember the variety because it sounds like “American”). Based on your recommendation of a pound of fertilizer per 2.5cm of diameter would be about 3 ounces for a roughly 20″ or 50 cm diameter. Would potted plants of this miniature variety have the same ratio used to determine the dose?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 24, 2021

I would say no becuase the area in the dripline is different. Since it's in a container, I would use the 10-10-10 and follow instructions on the fertilizer for how much to use in containers.

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