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Raspberry Plants


Anonymous added on July 4, 2012 | Answered

I have a small cluster of raspberry plants. I remember my grandmother talking about growing them from cuttings. I would like to know how to get cuttings from my plant, get roots on them, and when to plant them. I have read your “Tips On How To Plant Raspberries And The Care Of Raspberry Plants”. It does not cover where to get the cuttings from. Can I just wack off a bunch of branches and stick them into the ground? Does it matter where I cut them from? I live on the San Francisco, CA (peninsula). I seldom get a frost, much less a hard frost. We may get down to 30 degrees once every other year or so in February. But that is unusual here. 43, 44, 45 is as cold as it typically gets here. So, can I do it any time? If there is a particular location to cut a cutting, where is it? A picture showing the proper aged cane and where to make the cut would be nice.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 5, 2012
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