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Raspberry Plants

Q.raspberry plant diseases

Zone K0H 1H0 | Cathy Vakil added on September 30, 2017 | Answered

For several years the leaves of my raspberry plants have had the disease seen in the photos and little fruit yield. I am assuming this is due to dampness and lack of air circulation, and am considering cutting them right back and moving them to a more sunny open location. What is the disease and will the transplants carry the disease to the new location?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 30, 2017

Yes, this does appear to be fungal infection. There are several things you can do. I definitely would move them. There will still be an infection until you can kill that off, as well. I will include my method, as well as a link for other information. You may use my method at any time, as it is safe for plants, humans, and animals. The more ingredients you have the better it will work. DON'T leave out the soil priming. It is important to killing the infection, as well as bringing the soil pH to a suitable level. My method is as follows:

First, you will want to prime the soil with dolomitic lime, then spread wettable sulfur to Kill off any infection in the soil. I Also like to spray the plant itself. Mix a few drops of one or more of these ingredients into warm water with a spoonful of coconut oil: Rosemary oil, lavender oil, neem oil, garlic oil, cinnamon extract/oil and for really bad cases, also add clove oil.

Here is a cluster of links that will give you all of the information you need to know about the plant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/raspberry/

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