Q.Raised beds
I have recently purchased 4 vinyl raised beds ( 4x4x15). Each bed in lined with weed barrier. Using home dirt is not a option. For each bed I have purchased 6 bags of top soil, 5 bags of compost, 1/2 bale of spaghnum moss, 3 bags of cow compost, 1 bag of coir, 1 bag of worm castings. Sounds like a big soup huh? Question is, how do I layer of mix all of these ingredients? Should I purchase any more ingredients. They are very deep and sit on a slope about 4 inches. I hope you can answer soon because I am planning on filling them this weekend.
Thanks for your help.
Shelby Britt
50 percent of your 'soil' should be compost.
50 percent can be coconut coir, peat moss, or sphagnum moss.
Part 2 is the fertilizer or food for the plants.
1 bag of worm castings for each 3 x 8 raised bed.
Here are a few links with more information.