Q.Questions On Marigolds In The Northeast Of The US
We just moved to a home in CT and a lust bounty of marigolds have come up in our front yard. I didn’t plant them and I know they are usually not perenials. Should I cut them back for the winter or just leave them until the spring. I’d like to encourage them to come back again each year.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Just leave them and they should go to seed and return.
They are one of the annuals that reseed freely. You can also save some of the dried flower heads to be sure you have some seeds for next year.
The best way to encourage the return of marigolds is to save seed and replant it in spring. It does not self-sow but is easy to grow from seed indoors or out. It is easier to pull the plants after they die back than to deal with the mush they become over winter. However, the choice is yours. Another option is to cut them into pieces without pulling them out, leave the leafy parts on the soil and they and the roots will compost in place. Attached is info on saving marigold seeds: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/marigold/collecting-marigold-seed.htm