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Sweet Woodruff Plants

Q.Question about growing Woodruff

Zone Zone 7 | Anonymous added on July 28, 2019 | Answered

Hi, saw your article about growing Woodruff:

and was wondering something. Since it’s such a shallow rooting plant, that you can stop from spreading with the simple digging of a spade line, would putting in garden edging prevent it from spreading outside an area? Just wondering how deep you would want it, below ground, and how high, above ground.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 29, 2019

It can certainly help! It will not guarantee that you will not have some escape, but it will help drastically. Digging a spade line kills roots at the tips, where it would spread. It is a way of manual control. This will be the best method, but pairing this will a spade line occasionally will ensure that it stays where it is supposed to.
Sweet Woodruff also spreads by reseeding; so seeds can drop anywhere and start new plants.

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