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Lily Plants

Q.Query about potted rose lily care

Zone Victor Harbor South Australia | Anonymous added on October 19, 2019 | Answered

I was given potted rose lilies – 3 stalks in the pot. The blooms have now faded. As it is almost November in South Australia, what do I do with them for summer?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 21, 2019

You can put your pot on the patio or balcony for the summer or you can plant them in the ground. Roselilies are the oriental type lily so care for them the same way. However, true roselilies do not have a scent or pollen.

You can cut off the bloom, but leave the foliage stalks till the leaves wither and turn brown. That is how the bulb is renourished.



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