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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Pussy willow “tree” growth?

Zone Fayetteville, Arkansaa, 72701 | Mike Sylvester added on July 19, 2017 | Answered

If I take ap central 3 foot cutting. Shave of its bark around the stem. Then encircle it with 8 two foot branccehes with one side, bark removed, and align them to the 4 directions of the compass, and the other 4 at the 4: NE, SE, SW & NE coordinates. Affixed with cooking wax or elmers gku and taped and then allowed to fuse: will they make a thicker trunk/stem and grow out more tree-like?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 21, 2017

Grafting is not generally done on Pussy Willows, as they grow very quickly from cuttings.
Your branching technique as described is interesting, though I don't feel it would work with all these branches.
Also the use of cooking wax or elmers glue would not be advisable.
This link has information on grafting tree branches.

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