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Coneflower Plants

Q.purple coneflowers

Zone 43140 | jquinn4 added on May 30, 2016 | Answered

My purple coneflowers were just planted a week ago but the leaves seem to be limp. I don’t want to over water, but maybe they need more water. Not sure what to do and I don’t want to lose 6 of them. They get morning sun.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 31, 2016

Also...! It's not uncommon for plants to have a bit of transplant shock in the first couple of weeks and take a bit f time to adjust to their new spot...would love to know if they recuperated.

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Answered on May 31, 2016

I'm sorry to not have a great answer for you but wanted to let you know that mine also have ALWAYS been this way and are now huge healthy 4 yr. old bushes! It was suggested to me after informing a garden specialist, when even tho all the soil needs etc were fine, that I could possibly have a mole or vole situation causing air spaces around the roots...I have yet to dig one up because they do so well ur. After yr. where they are and am going to see if new plants from the mothers seeds also have this problem in another location the year... I also don't want to over water but do give them extra in the heat of the day as theyre in a six-hour sun spot that gets baked mid summer....they seem to perk up after a drink and always have tons of flowers that they didn't produce as well when they only got morning sun, but I too would love to know why they look wilty in well amended soil yet continue to grow and flower! Another suggestion is to make sure they aren't in hard compacted or clay soil so that roots can uptake water and nutrients easily. I believe they like a sandier soil-at least mine have done well this way w that one exception...good luck!

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Answered on May 31, 2016

New perennials will need daily water and even twice a day if the soil dries and the temperatures are very warm.

The roots should stay moist so they can become established, but never soggy, as this can cause root rot.

If you dig down into the first few inches of soil, and it's dry--give the plants water.

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