Q.Plum Circulio
Your article on plums, suggests using a low toxicity spray for controlling Plum Curculio beetles. I need some advice on a suitable product to use: one that is readily available. In past years I have used one spraying of 50% Malathion(2 tsp. per gallon) at petals dropping time. Without this one time spraying I get a very low crop of plums. Reading on the internet the information about Malathion you find frightening information, so I would like to use a safer insecticide. Can you give me instructions?
Eon Williams

Unfortunately we make it a policy not to recommend brand name products, but this article gives a few recommendations for effective chemicals at the very end: http://www.extension.umn.edu/garden/yard-garden/fruit/integrated-pest-management-for-home-stone-fruit-growers/plum-curculio/index.html