Q.Pruning Viburnum Bodnentanse
My viburnum has flowers on well into December and I’m loath to prune it until they have fallen off. But then there are loads of buds into the Spring, I’m loath to prune it then. It’s a shame to lose the flowers early but is that the best option for pruning? It’s getting a little out of hand and is almost at the roof line of the two storey house I live in.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Wait till it has finished blooming in the spring. Pune by cutting out 1 in 5 canes each year, starting with the oldest canes. If it needs rejuvenation pruning, you can cut it almost to the ground. If you are loathe to go to that extreme, cut out 1 in 3 canes each year for three years, or until all canes have been replaced.