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Pampas Grass

Q.Pruning Pampas Grass

Zone 98034 | Mary Lou Walen added on August 11, 2017 | Answered

Our landscape company just pruned 2 of our pampas grass plants – they too all of the plumes leaving a straight line across similar to a hedge trimming

I understand Early Spring is the best time to cut back or prune the plant so my quesiton is: Will the plant bloom again before winter? Did this damage the plant?

It appears that Pampas Grass is very sturdy to we “should” be ok. I do look forward to your response as onr of our residents is furious.

Thank you, Mary Lou

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 11, 2017

Well, one has to question how competent this company's workers are. All ornamental grasses are cut down in late fall to very early spring based on the customer's preference. This is a basic landscaping rule. If the seed plumes had just emerged, the plant may send up more; however, if the seed plumes were mature, the plant has done its work for the season. More leaves may appear, again depending on where it was in its shift to dormancy; the more green it was the more likely new leaves will appear. Since the appearance of the grass has been ruined for this year, consider cutting it down late this fall.

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