Q.Pruning night blooming cereus
My n.b.c. Has long stems that have grown to 9 feet tall. They have shoots and leaves growing from them but the plant is mostly leggy and I would like to prune it. I have read many instructions on this but what would be so helpful is photos showing exact location of where on the plant to make the cuts. Could you post some photos? Or I have attached photos of my plant and you could mark them up to show the best places to cut. Please advise and thank you!!!
Thank you for your response Downtoearthling. Can you provide tips on where exactly on the stems the cuts should be made when pruning? At the base? toward the ends?
The queen of the night has the potential to be a very large plant, up to 6 feet tall in containers such as yours. What you are seeing is the nature of the beast - it will form tall stems on which flat leaves emerge. You can use a bamboo rod to support your plant. Or, if you desire, you can shorten the stems to a more manageable height - the best time to prune is after flowering.