Q.Pruning my second year cane system grapevine on my pergola!
My second year vine. I have five canes coming from the head of my Thompson Seedless grape vine and a thick cordon that comes out from the ground at the back of the head, almost like a second plant, this had three canes growing nicely to the top. In all I have 8 canes all the way to the top of my pergola! Very pretty.
When I prune next March, I know that I have to leave two Spurs at the head (from the five canes in the head) so that will leave me with three canes from the main head, and three canes from this back plant. Do I have to leave Spurs on this back growing plant cordon as well? Does my pruning suggestion seem OK or could you suggest some other way or pruning?
These links will help you make the necessary pruning cuts.