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Container Hibiscus Plants

Q.pruning hibiscus

Anonymous added on December 13, 2014 | Answered

I have a potted hibiscus that was outside all summer but I moved it in the house for the winter. It faces the north by a big patio door. It is now December and it continues to bloom and get new growth. I continue to fertilize it, as it is still blooming, although there are less blooms now and I only see one new bud. Perhaps, it is going into its dormant stage. We go south for the winter but I have someone that comes in and waters the plants every 2 weeks. The house stays around 50 degrees. Come spring should I prune the plant or just take it outside once the weather permits?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 15, 2014

Yes, spring is the best time for pruning hibiscus, though as long as it is indoors over winter, you can prune it back as needed by a third. This article will help you with pruning: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/tips-for-pruning-hibiscus-plants-when-to-prune-hibiscus.htm

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