Q.Pruning Evergreens
Hello – I’m new to gardening and totally lost! I have a bush with dead branches in the bottom. I don’t know what kind of bush it is and not sure what is the best way to revive it. Will the dead branches in this bush recover? Should I prune them? If they won’t recover I’d rather have the dead branches for privacy.. but if trimming them will help them I’m willing to try!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This looks to be infection from wet soils! The dead growth will not recover, but some new growth may occur, though this is unlikely in that area.
Leaving them will afford you temporary privacy, but eventually, these dead scales will drop along with the branches. The disease will slowly work its way up the trees.
You can try fungicides, but likely, you will be replacing these soon. It will be best to replace them with something else that is not related to them.
To attempt correction, you can try fungicides.
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