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Fig Tree

Q.Pruning Chicago Hardy Fig Tree

Anonymous added on September 14, 2011 | Answered

Last early spring, I pruned back my Chicago Hardy fig and the branches that I cut back had died back. Now I don’t know when to prune and it has really shot straight up this summer. I live in Zone 7a. Did I wait too late to cut the tree back?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 14, 2011
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greenfinger dan
Answered on September 14, 2011

Remove all frost-damaged,bent and crowded shoots from established trees in late March.Surplus shoots can also be removed in summer.Stop young, fruit-bearing growth's at four leaves in June can't imagine what happened in your case,grey mould attacks the young shoots, causing them to die back for a distance of up to 12in. or more.Could this be you'r case?.I swear by the abouve and have no probs but then I live in southern England.Hope I helped some.

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