Q.Pruning a young jacaranda
My jacaranda is about 5 feet tall and has three branches – one appears to be the main branch and is vertical with another growing up at an angle out from this about 2 feet from the ground. The other branch is also at an angle but below this and much closer to the ground (about a foot above). I’m attaching a photo (I hope it gets to you OK). I’m a little concerned that the branch that is closest to the ground should be cut off, as it’s growing rapidly and looks like it could eventually tear. I’ve looked for advice on the internet, including your site, and there are warnings that vertical sucker shoots will grow if the tree has limbs removed and these will have to be taken off annually. Some people say just to let jacarandas grow normally or they’ll lose their natural shape. Could you please give me some advice about this? It would be very much appreciated. By the way, where are you based? I’m in Australia.
Thanks. Ann
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This article address the trimming and shaping of Jacaranda Tree.