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Eugenia Trees

Q.Pruning a large Eugenia tree

Zone South End port Elizabeth | Myrlene added on April 1, 2015 | Answered

I have a very large Eugenia bush on the street verge of my home – Port Elizabeth. Which is the best time to cut it right down again? I have done it once before and within 3 months it looked less like a dead skeleton. It is at least 3 – 4 meters high.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 1, 2015

It is really hard to go wrong when it comes to pruning eugenia bushes as they can withstand severe prunings. If you want a tight manicured appearance you would opt for regular pruning throughout the year. For a more loose appearance, you would prune in the spring after it flowers and then again in the fall.

For more information on the care of eugenia, please visit the following link:

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