Q.Protecting Emerald Cedars from freezing rain
We live in Hamilton Ontario and have six emerald cedars. With the changes in weather patterns, our area is prone to bouts of freezing rain during the winter months. The cedars have suffered no ill effects so far, however I am concerned that will not always be the case. I am wondering if adding support stakes would be helpful or a hindrance in preventing ice related damage.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Freezing rain will be the best thing that could happen in harsh conditions. This give a protective barrier around the branches and needles that will protect it from MUCH colder temperatures, since the ice will not likely go far below freezing temps, as ambient air will.

It is great to know that the coating of ice is actually a beneficial condition during harsh conditions. My question regarding the staking was more in regards to potential breakage as a result of the added weight of ice. Is there any benefit to staking for this reason or best to leave the cedars to their natural defenses?