Q.protecting cold hardy palms
I have several windmill, European fan and needle palms, all of which are rated cold hardy and are in pots. We have been hit by unusually severe cold weather (10-15 F), so my question is, will it do more damage to bring them indoors to a 60-65 degree environment or should I just wrap and cover, leaving them outside?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like they are in containers, so I am providing advice based on that.
The windmill and needle palms should be fine outside. I would recommend finding a sheltered location for them outdoors or wrapping them in burlap, just to keep them from possible windburn damage.
The European Fan palm's hardiness though falls right at the edge of your zone, and because it is in a container, that actually moves it out of being hardy in your zone. So I would recommend either moving it to an attached but unheated part of your home, like a garage or basement, or just bringing it indoors.