Q.propagation with cuttings
If I wish to make cuttings from a plant, say a bougainvillea, must I use only the ‘tip’ of the branch to plant, or can I use a longer branch and just chop it into many 6- to 8-inch sections to get multiple plantings? For best results, should I use a branch with ‘green’ growth on it, or can I use an older branch which is woody and thicker and green growth?

can i follow up the answer somehow? a node being where a leaf buds off? so can i take a branch with 16 nodes and thus make 4 cuttings? 3 of them wouldnt have a terminal leaf. thanks. jim

The best way to choose the best wood for cuttings look for the striped wood.
This would be the semi-hard wood cutting material.
Take a 4-node cut from this wood.
Remove all the leaves except the top leaf. Injure the bottom of the cutting and dip in rooting hormone. Place each cutting in a pot of light potting mix.
Keep the soil moist.
It can take 8 to 10 weeks for roots to form.