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Hydrangea Plants

Q.Propagation of Hydrangea Stalks

Zone Battle Creek, MI 49015 (south central Michigan) | hadassah61953 added on May 27, 2017 | Answered

I have a “propagation” question for someone who knows and understand the process.
While cutting back my hydrangeas this week, I accidentally removed several what appeared to be “dead” branches from my vantage point. However, when I pulled them out away from the base of the bush, I noticed several small leaves growing at the base of these branches, along with others that appeared dead, but once the brown exterior fell away,underneath I found a green living stalk.
Can I “re-root” these stalks in “Take Root” Powder and place the bottom end in good potting soil, or should I just place them in a clear glass container and hope for roots to form without dirt?
In the meantime, I have wrapped the stalks in wet newspaper, and am trying to keep them alive.

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Answered on May 29, 2017
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