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Sea Kale

Q.Propagating Greater Sea Kale Seeds

Zone Kansas City, MO | Joan Miller added on May 7, 2019 | Answered

I recently received some Greater Sea Kale Seeds, Cambe cordifolia, with propagating instructions. They are daunting, multiple steps and involved. I would like to hear from others who might have propagated these seeds. Success? Failures? Cautions? Tips?
Thank you for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 7, 2019

These multiple steps are completely necessary, and should be followed for success. As long as you follow them carefully, you should not run into any issues.

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Answered on May 8, 2019

I’m new to this service, and I must admit puzzled by your response. This may seem silly, but I don’t understand how you were privy to the propagation information I received with the Greater Sea Kale seeds. Just needing to confirm that you are referencing the propagation info I shared.

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