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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Problems with my plum tree

Zone Greensburg, La. 70453 | shannonlorrainekelly@yahoo.com added on August 27, 2016 | Answered

I just recently noticed that I had a red ant bed in my plum tree. I sprinkled some powdery white Ortho ant poison on the ant pile but I also noticed that my plum leaves have a lot of holes in them and some dark spots on the leaves. The Ortho ant poison killed the ants from what I can tell. Have I also killed my plum tree by using the ant poison? Also, what do the small holes and dark spots on the plum leaves indicate? What can I do about this problem to help my plum tree grow and produce great plums?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 29, 2016

The ant poison probably isn't what hurt the tree. The holes and spots on the leaves could mean your plum has shot hole disease:


These articles will help you check the symptoms and find out what to do about shot hole disease:


You might also want to check with a university extension agent or arborist if the problem persists.

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Answered on August 29, 2016
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