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Hyacinth Plant

Q.problems with growing tomatoes and peppers

Zone 5 | Anonymous added on September 23, 2016 | Answered

I am in New York (Zone 5) and I have had a garden for about 5 years and have not been successful in growing tomatoes and peppers. My first year I did have some tomatoes and a pepper or two but now I cannot get the plants to grow a little before the leaves start to yellow and die off. Within 3 weeks after planting my tomato plants, 3 were basically dead. I went to a garden store and purchased large mature plants to replace the ones that were dead. I sprayed natural insecticide and fungicide but after another three weeks they began to wither and die. Between and around these plants I planted green onions, zucchini and pole string beans that have produced very well (still picking string beans). I am not sure if I have some sort of fungus, blight, disease or soil problem.
I am thinking of getting rid of the garden soil and replacing it. How deep should I go? Any thoughts?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 24, 2016

I have listed several links to help you pinpoint the issues.
You very well may have a soil born virus or bacteria that has contaminated the garden soil. Crop rotation is important in the vegetable garden.
Solarizing the garden is a way to help prevent some diseases from occurring.
I would recommend a soil test. This will take the guess work out of what your soil may be missing or have to much of such as Nitrogen.


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