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Q.Problems in the greenhouse

Zone Suffolk | Jenny ren added on April 17, 2016 | Answered

We planted our runner bean and peas in pots in the greenhouse, and to our horror, when we checked on them, some were out of the pots nibbled and some of the peas had disappeared all together. Help!!

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Jenny ren
Answered on April 18, 2016

Hi thank you for getting back to us concerning problem in greenhouse the greenhouse is at the rear of our garden were we have a wooded area which is a park our greenhouse has venterlation so we close the doors we have just emptied it to clean it and saw nothing there is no holes or gaps on the outside but as I said before the beans especially were out of the pots and nibbled they were on the bottom shelf

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Answered on April 18, 2016

Could you provide more information about where you greenhouse is located, where your bean and pea pots were set, and any other information you can provide? With the limited information, it seems as if you have some sort of animal (maybe a mouse, rat, or some other animal) tampering with your beans and peas.

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