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Tomato Plants

Q.Problem with tomato plants

Zone Winter Park, Florida | flfranb added on August 16, 2018 | Answered

I tried to grow tomatoes this year. I used plant bags and new soil, as instructed, and I still contracted some kind of bug or virus. I noticed in May that the lower leaves were starting to yellow and curl. The leaves were also spares. It continued up my plants until it just ruined my plants. I went to my local Extension center for help and they told me it was affids and to spray with inspecticidal soap which I did. The plants continue to die so I went out and got four new plants and kept them on the other side of the house. They also got the same problem. Here is a picture of the plants. The first pic is how they look today. I personally think it was some kind of virus that got them bcz spray did not work at all. Please tell me your thoughts.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 17, 2018

There can be a number of pests and disease that attack our tomato plants!
It can be frustrating!

If your Extension Service found Aphid evidence, I would certainly agree. Aphids can harm the plants and even leave the plants open to other disease. Aphids can move around the property, so even though you relocated, they can spread.
These articles have more information for you.


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