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Lantana Plants

Q.Problem with Lantana Camara Hybrid

Zone bern | ezgi added on July 9, 2018 | Answered


I bought a Lantana last wednesday. I gave water to it on friday and it was like in the first picture. I was not at home for two days and yesterday I found it dried out as in the second picture. It is on a spot where it can take direct sunlight between 10 am and 4 pm. What am I doing wrong, should I carry it on a more shady area or give water every day? Or is it possible to survive it?



A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 9, 2018

Thanks a lot, I'll try these. And one last question, should I clean the dried leafs on the small branches?

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Answered on July 9, 2018

It looks like a lack of enough water. There are a couple things you can do when you can't water daily. One is to move the plant to where it will get afternoon shade. Another is to get a slow-drip watering device. Do an internet search for "container watering globe" and you'll see many options. Potting mixes with sphagnum peat moss hold water longer than those with coir. Next time you pot up a plant, add moisture-holding crystals or buy a mix that already contains these. The container has to have drainage holes; when you water, give it enough so that it comes out the bottom. When peat gets dry, as your plant is now, it is hard to re-wet. Water runs right through and does not soak in. Put the container in a tub of water for 30 minutes (or more, if needed) and let it slowly soak up water from the drainage holes. With a bit of experience, you can tell by the container's weight or heft if it is dry or well-watered. In-ground plants don't need water daily but in hot weather, containers may. If you are gone for more than a few days, move the container to where it is shaded all day.

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