Q.Privacy Plants
I live in Florida and I want to plant some kind of plant that can give me privacy.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This article should also help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/spaces/plant-a-privacy-screen-plants-that-grow-fast-for-privacy.htm
Using privacy plants can add a new dimension to any landscape. Florida has many options that will help. One of my favorite floridian trees is the Gumbo Limbo. It will grow in many environments and is pest and wind resistant, which will be useful for the hurricanes there. They have a whimsical design to them that will cover a large area. If you are looking for something lower, i would try a shrub like devils walking stick. If you really want to try your hand at gardening look into pineapple guava. Not only will you be given privacy and a sleek design, but you will be rewarded annually with fruits! Good Luck and Happy Growing!
I had a similar problem and solved it by planting thuja evergreens---rose of sharon are pretty but I put them in a class as a pain in the you know what!!!!!!!! in my yard every single seed grew, every flower had large seed pod-I have to keep pulling tons of them out or be over run---
Whoops, I meant evergreen!
Living in Florida will allow you to plant and grow a year round everground privacy screen, with many choices of plants. Read here for more information: