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Boston Ivy

Q.Privacy landscaping project

Zone 47546 | Anonymous added on February 27, 2018 | Answered

How do I transplant ivy from one location to another at this time of year? Should I try to root my
ivy starts in water, in pots(inside) until spring or in the ground outside now?? Any advice would be appreciated. Or do you have a suggestion for another type of vine that will attach to lattice to provide privacy & will grow well in the shade of a large oak tree. Something that flowers would be great!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 3, 2018

Rooting your ivy in pots indoors, then transplanting outside is the best option. Rooting in water is possible, but the plants will develop a weaker root system and won't be as healthy. Here's how to do it:

Here are some other ideas for vines for privacy screens, some of which will grow in shade:

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