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Q.prevention of condensate dripping from roof in winter

Zone Athens, TN 37303 | Anonymous added on January 14, 2020 | Answered

I’m growing inside a GH with poly carbonate roof with very little slope. Cold winter weather causes freezing outside and condensate inside which then drips everywhere. Running a Mr Buddy propane heater at 18,000 BTU max. Inside footage about 500 SQ FT. Small GH for private and some sales. Would a cover of clear vinyl across outside help? De-humidifier inside? Floor is gravel over soil with a lot of rain migration to inside during rain. Rake up all gravel and lay plastic perhaps? Real problem for electronics located inside including back up elec heater. Any suggestions? Thank you, Cindy Ellenbolt

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 15, 2020

This occurs because of a temperature difference between the inside and outside. At night, reduce the temperature of the heaters inside. Fans and blowers on a timer can keep air moving. You can help with a dehumidifier, but there will always be some amount of condensation. Here are more tips:

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