Q.preparing flower garden for winter
We have started a flower garden using flowers native to the area. This is the first year and I have no idea how to prepare the beds for winter. Plants include coreopsis, Russian sage, butterfly bush, digitalis, purple coneflowers, black eyed Susans, and salvia. Any help would be appreciated.
Since your garden is newly planted this year I would recommend that you leave the plants to die down naturally for the fall and winter season.
Most of the plants that you planted actually provide shelter and seed for many birds, butterfly cocoons and beneficial bugs.
Your garden also will give you winter interest. Snow sitting on flower seed heads is quite pretty.
Leaving your plants will help the perennials self seed and produce more plants for your garden.
In the spring you can clean up the plants by pruning back old woody stems and flower heads.
I've listed articles about the plants you mention so you can refresh yourself on the care requirements.