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Prayer Plants

Q.prayer plant

Zone Tiny, Ontario, Canada L0L 2J0 | Anonymous added on February 9, 2018 | Answered

I had a big beautiful prayer plant that was doing quite well. I moved and since then she is droopy and the leaves are brown tipped. I have tried fertilizing but the plant is not happy.
My question is: if I cut her branches down will it grow back eventually or should I just try new soil and re-potting it?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 9, 2018

There can be several reasons for browning leaves on a Prayer Plant.
Make sure the plant is receiving moderate light and humidity.

A plant will often show signs of stress when changing environment.

I would also water with distilled water, tab water often is conditioned and Prayer Plants can build up excess salts in the soil.
Fertilize according to the information in the link below. Do not overfertilize.

The links below will refresh you on the care requirements.


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