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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.powdery mildew on crepe myrtle

Zone 78641 | rterwcr added on May 4, 2016 | Answered

Can one use sodium bicarb?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 5, 2016

Yes you can, however their is a product on the market called Green Cure that is hands down the best product I have seen for powdery mildew knock down and control. It will do so without having some of the foliage burning potential that sodium bicarb does. Potassium bicarb is actually one of its main ingredients and Green Cure is an Earth Friendly product. Link: http://greencure.net/
I have used this product for many years now and it has done a fantastic job in my gardens and rose beds.

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