Q.Powdery Mildew
I have 4 honeysuckle haliana growing against my fence. They were Planted last year and suffered with powdery mildew (I think) which has returned again this year quite badly. The leaves have grey powdery mould on the back of the leaves which turn brown/yellow and drop off. I pick the dropped leaves up daily and have been spraying with fungus fighter and potassium sulfate regularly but nothing is working. I think I planted them too close to the fence but I didn’t know what I was doing at the time. I water them daily and I have put bark mulch at the bases. They have a lot of spiders living on them too but not sure if that is a problem. Can you advise how I can get rid of this disease?

Sure does look like a nasty case of powdery mildew from the photo sent in. I recommend getting a product called Green Cure. Apply it at the Cure Rate as listed on the label. Spray the honeysuckles down very well with the mixed up spray every 5 to 7 days for at least three sprayings. That should send the mildew packing! Be sure to spray them very well being sure to get at the back of the leaves as well. Here is a link to the Green Cure website, it is an Earth Friendly product too: http://greencure.net/