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African Violets

Q.Powdery Mildew

Anonymous added on June 4, 2011 | Answered

I have powdery mildew on my African violets. Can anyone help me to get rid of it? I have sterilized the soil, my pots, gotten rid of all my plants and started with new ones and it keeps showing up. What am I doing wrong?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 5, 2011

You are not really doing anything wrong, this just happens sometimes and can be quite frustrating. There is a product called Green Cure that is sold on-line and at some local garden centers and greenhouses. It works very well to get rid of and control powdery mildew. Here is a link to their website for you:
http://www.greencure.net/ I use it on my roses and garden veggies that get powdery mildew from time to time. My mother has used it on her african violets with success as well. The PM spores can get onto various things and thus transmit back to the plants, so a treatment method such as Green Cure is in order.

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