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Maple Trees

Q.Potting on Acers

Anonymous added on October 30, 2014 | Answered

We have several Acers that need potting and wondered what advice you could give regarding pot size, as they are in very small pots at the moment and easily blow over in the wind, and the trees have become too large for the pots. Should the compost be all ericaceous or a mix of ericaceous and John Innes No 3?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2014

When repotting a plant, it is best to go at least 2 inches larger in diameter on the pot. But there is absolutely no harm to the plant if you decide to go bigger than that when you repot. And going larger means that it will be longer before you have to repot the tree again.

As for the potting compost, I would do a mix of the two, as while these plants like a slightly more acidic soil, they do not need to be that much higher.

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