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Q.Potted Spiraea X Vanhouttei Flowered And Now The Leaves Look Dry.

Zone London | michelledane added on June 2, 2020 | Answered

The shrub has been potted for around three years and has flowered each year. This year it flowered. Flowered have died but the leaves are dying too. Should I plant it in the ground now or wait. Concerned it has outgrown its pot. We have had a very hot May here in the UK. Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 4, 2020

Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. This usually happens when overcompensating water when it is hot, and these plants do not like the soil to remain moist.

Treat with a fungicide now, but wait until it cools off to plant.

Here are some articles that will help:



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