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Plumeria Plants

Q.Potted Plumeria Is Getting Soft From Dirt Almost 1/2 Way Up The Stalk. I Don’t Know What To Do. Can It Be Saved?

Zone 32466 | DebSmith added on August 18, 2020 | Answered

It’s about a year old and had been doing well. Suddenly it lost all it’s leaves and now this. It’s a cutting off my mom’s plant and I want very much to save it if possible. Thank you for any advice you may have.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 19, 2020

It sounds like stem rot. I am growing several cuttings too and that is always a worry at this young stage. The only thing I read to save it is to cut off the top that is not affected and try to root it again.

Not overwatering is critical in the beginning. It is very easy to lose cuttings this way. Even when you don't think you've overwatered.

Research says you can try a liquid fungicide in the soil, but most experts say there is no going back once root or stem rot has set in.
If they are dark and very soft you may want to go ahead and try to root the part that isn't rotting before it moves all the way up.

There is lots of information about growing plumarias on society websites like the Plumaria Society of America or the Southern California Plumeria Society. The nurseries that sell plumarias also have growing information on their websites. And there are many You Tube videos.



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