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Meyer Lemon Trees

Q.Potted Meyer Lemon Tree Indoors And Losing All Its Leaves, Help!!

Zone 97127 | Kachapman19222 added on October 19, 2021 | Answered

I got my tree in July and it was doing great. Once Temps dropped below 50 degrees I brought it indoors and it started losing leaves. I saw what looked like a few mites so I purchased neem oil and made a mixture of neem, water, and dawn dish soap and have sprayed it twice, one week apart. My tree is nearly naked. I’m only watering it once a week. It’s only been indoors for about 3 weeks if that. After I purchased it and gave it a bigger pot it started growing quickly and all the new leaves were much larger than the existing ones, I’m not sure if that’s normal either. Please help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2021

Citrus will go into shock if their environment changes too quickly. Add a mite infestation and harsh treatment with Neem oil, and you have a recipe for a very unhappy tree. On top of this, repotting stress is difficult for a tree to recover from, and takes more time than your average plant.

Altogether, the stress has rendered the tree in rough shape.

If you have everything under control, then care for it perfectly until it can return outside. Make sure to, only, water when it needs it and not on any schedule. The soil should dry out, thoroughly, down to about 2 or 3 inches between waterings.

Here are some articles that will help:




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