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Kaffir Lime Trees

Q.Potted Kaffir lime with thin long branches.

Zone UK | Anonymous added on October 12, 2020 | Answered

Could you please advise me how do I take care of this little plant? How do I make the main trunk grow and the plant to be bushy rather than with long leggy branches. Do I prune the branches right to down to its collar or halfway ? Please advice me as I have neglected this poor plant and I want to make things right.
The plant was outside, and now we are in Autumn in UK, I’ve brought it in and it’s sitting on a warm propagator.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 13, 2020

Someone already cut the central leader to encourage side branches, and it won't grow back. But you can cut those side branches back to shape it up. Prune them back to just above a node. That will help make it bushy.

Here is care information. You will need to place it near a sunny window so you will get blooms.

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