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Cast Iron Plants

Q.Potted Aspidistra

Zone South Australia | sandave added on April 14, 2018 | Answered

What would cause the tips of the leaves of my 5 year old aspidistra plant to go brown? Then eventually, the brown travels down the leaf to the stem.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 15, 2018

This can be a few different things. The most common problem is root rot. This can be dealt with using wettable sulfur and dolomitic lime. This will kill most infections. For more vigorous infections, replacing 1/4 of your water with peroxide can help when you water. Can you include a photo? This can help me to see exactly what is going on.

Make sure that you only water when the top two inches of soil is almost completely dry. This will prevent future infections.

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