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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Pothos plant

Anonymous added on January 9, 2017 | Answered

Are the roots to the pothos plant supposed to be close together or are they supposed to have lots of room? What is the best pot to plant this in?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 10, 2017

Pothos is a very easy to grow plant that is forgiving of many growing conditions.

Choose a pot that comfortably fits the root system with an inch of so of new grow space around the root ball.
Do not go to large of a pot size as this can lead to overwatering.

Make sure the pot has a good drainage hole and use a good quality potting soil.


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Answered on January 10, 2017

As long as you pothos looks good, there's no need to worry about whether the roots are crowded or spread out. I've seen root-bound pothos doing just as well as those with their roots spread out. Pothos is an extremely common and popular houseplant because it accepts growing in a wide variety of conditions.

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