Q.Potential Harm to Boxwoods
My beautiful fifty-year-old American boxwood hedge was liberally sprayed yesterday with wasp and hornet killer by a worker in my yard. I immediately drenched the affected eight-foot area with water, called a garden shop and they told me they knew of no ‘antidote’, and to expect the worst. What should I do now, and what damage should I expect? I poured gallons and gallons of water on the boxwoods and read the spray can label. It warned of possible damage to evergreens, but I noted that the label stated that it left no oily residue. Does this mean that water may have removed the spray from the foliage?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I think that you did the best thing that you could by spraying the plant down with water. This will have diluted the spray. You can try spraying it down again to wash away any residual, but I think that what is done is done. Chances are, the plant should pull through fine, but if there is damage, you will see yellowing leaves that will eventually fall off.